Carolina Blatt, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Academic Advisor

Dr. Carolina Blatt came to AOEU with an enthusiasm for amplifying justice and beauty through community-based art education and collaborative projects. She earned a Ph.D. in Art Education from the University of Georgia, an M.A. in Art History from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a B.A. in the History and Social Foundations of Art from Juniata College. In addition to experience teaching PK-8th grade art, she has an extensive history in art teacher preparation in higher education. Most recently, she was the Program Director and a Professor of Art and Design Education at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where she oversaw a full curriculum revision initiative. Previously she served as Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Art Education at The College of New Jersey and as an Assistant Professor at Georgia Gwinnett College in Atlanta.

In addition to presentation experience at national and international conferences ranging from Stanford University to the Tate Liverpool, Dr. Blatt has a history of publishing in peer-reviewed journals and popular press. Recent publications include:

Blatt-Gross, C. (2024). Revitalizing art + design education through expanded notions of community-based art education. Art Education, 17(3), 42-47.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2023). Short- and long-term outcomes of community-based art education among students in higher education. Education Sciences, 13(2), 166.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2022). Teaching notes: Community engagement as pedagogy. American Journal of Arts Management, 10.

Madden, L., Blatt-Gross, C., Ammentorp, L., Stanton, N. & Kneis, D. (2022). From science in the art gallery to art in the science classroom:  Using arts-integrated professional development to enhance environmental education, Journal of College Science Teaching.

Eddy, M., Blatt-Gross, C., Gohr, A., Halverson, E., Humphreys, K., Smolin, L., & Edgar, S. N.(2020). Local-level implementation of social emotional learning in arts education: Moving the heart through the arts. Arts Education Policy Review, 122(3), 193-204.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2019). Making content relevant (or not): Exploring the outcomes of a project-based curriculum in art appreciation. The Journal of Learning Through the Arts, 15(1).

Blatt-Gross, C. (2018). Participatory art as pedagogy for contextualized learning, in I. Sertić (Ed.), Participatory Art for Invisible Communities. Omnimedia.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2017). Connecting the past and the present: Using our deep history of learning through community art to inform contemporary student engagement, in L. N. Hersey and B. Bobick (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Facilitation of Civic Engagement Through Community Art, (pp. 168-192). IGI Global.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2016). Creating community from the inside out: A concentric perspective on collective artmaking, Arts Education Policy Review, 118(1), 51-59.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2015). Review of moving ideas:  Multimodality and embodied learning in communities and schools by Mira-Lisa Katz. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 11 (1).

Blatt-Gross, C. (2014). Why do we make students sit still in class?

Blatt-Gross, C. (2013). Toward meaningful education: Investigating artful behavior as a human proclivity in the classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 14(7).

Blatt-Gross, C. (2011). Understanding artful behavior as a human proclivity: Clues from the pre-kindergarten classroom. The Journal of Learning Through the Arts, 7(1), 1-21.

Blatt-Gross, C. (2010). Casting the conceptual net: Cognitive possibilities for embracing the social and emotional richness of art education. Studies in Art Education, 51(4), 353-367.