Diane Leicht


I learned about AOEU while perusing opportunities on Indeed.com. The name, The Art of Education University, caught my eye. What is this?! My daughter has just started grad school to earn a master’s in art therapy, so I was very intrigued to visit the AOEU website to learn more. People might want to know that I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I met my husband at the University of Oregon. After graduating, I moved to Portland for about a year before moving to Texas, where my husband and his family lived. I have been here ever since and have now been married for 37 years. My husband and I have one daughter. She recently earned her bachelor’s in psychology and art and is now attending Lesley University, where she working toward a master’s in art therapy. We share our household with two elderly cats and a mini/toy Australian Shepherd puppy who turns 1 this September. Apart from enjoying professional freedom as a freelance/contract editorial expert since 2017, my experience prior to that included a three-year stint with Pearson as a senior project manager. Before that, I was with the Boy Scouts of America for many years in various roles. My primary responsibility was as the editor and account manager for the merit badge pamphlet series. In that role, I worked with many fine volunteers and subject experts over the years. I graduated from the University of Oregon with a bachelor’s degree in journalism, and my education there has served me very well.