Choose Your State
Explore how AOEU’s programs, courses, and resources align with your state’s requirements for professional development and career advancement.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawai‘i
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
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- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington DC
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Alabama recognizes coursework taken at AOEU for pay increases and professional development. AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Graduate coursework and degrees from The Art of Education University meet licensure goals because AOEU’s accrediting body, the DEAC, is an approved provider of acceptable coursework. Alabama’s acceptable coursework is available for review on this form.
• The ALSDE will accept coursework completed through AOEU for continuation
• The ALSDE will recognize a master’s degree from AOEU as an advanced degree for pay increase
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Alabama requirements for professional learning for certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Alabama teaching certificate renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Alabama recognizes coursework taken at AOEU for pay increases and professional development. AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Alabama recognizes coursework taken at AOEU for pay increases and professional development. AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in Alabama should seek pre-approval from a district or school professional development coordinator to submit AOEU clock hour certificates to satisfy professional development requirements.
If approved, AOEU’s PRO Learning and the NOW Conference could help you meet your professional learning goals!
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Alabama Course of Study: Arts Education, Visual Arts, adopted by the Alabama State Department of Education in 2017. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Alaska, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Alaska requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Alaska teaching certificate renewal requirements here.
Teachers are responsible for course pre-approval before enrolling. Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Alaska can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference. Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Alaska Arts Standards that were adopted by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development in 2016. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Arizona, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Arizona requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Arizona teaching certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Arizona can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Arizona requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference. Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Arizona’s Academic Standards in the Arts adopted by the Arizona Department of Education in 2015. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Art Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Arkansas, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Arkansas requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Arkansas teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Arkansas accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Arkansas can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Arkansas requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Arkansas Fine Arts Curriculum Framework, revised by the Arkansas Department of Education in 2020. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In California, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
California requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
Teachers in California meet their professional development needs with pre-approved individual plans at the district level. Check with your district to determine whether our courses will meet your goals.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
California accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements. Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in California can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the California Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Standards, adopted by The State Board of Education (SBE) for Public Schools, Prekindergarten through Grade Twelve, in 2019. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Colorado, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Colorado requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Colorado teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Colorado accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools for credit toward professional development requirements. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Colorado can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Colorado requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards for Visual Arts, adopted by the Colorado Department of Education in 2022. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Connecticut has a requirement for certification advancement that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Connecticut’s requirements here.
Connecticut accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Connecticut requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Connecticut teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Connecticut accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Connecticut can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Review Connecticut standards for professional learning here.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were adopted in 2016 by the Connecticut State Department of Education as the Connecticut Arts Standards.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Delaware, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Delaware requirements for professional learning for license renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Delaware teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Delaware accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Delaware can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Delaware professional development requirements here.
Check with your current employer and the Professional Standards Board for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning or the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your PD manager.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were adopted by Delaware Department of Education in 2016 as the Delaware Standards for Visual and Performing Arts.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Florida has a requirement for licensure upgrade that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about Florida’s licensure upgrade requirements on the Florida Department of Education website.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Florida’s requirements for professional learning for license upgrade or renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Florida’s requirements for licensure upgrade or renewal on the Florida Department of Education website.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Florida can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Review Florida’s requirements here.
AOEU has several options for inclusion in a professional learning plan including PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Art teachers in Florida are responsible for getting in-service hours approved by the Professional Development Director.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your PD Director.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Visual Arts Education adopted/revised by the Florida Department of Education in 2010. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Georgia has a requirement for a certificate upgrade that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about your state requirement here.
Georgia accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
In Georgia, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes.
You can take AOEU graduate courses without being enrolled in the master’s degree program. Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Georgia can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning plan include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Georgia’s Standards of Excellence for Visual Arts, adopted by the Georgia Department of Education in 2017. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Hawai‘i has a requirement for a licensure upgrade that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about your state requirements here.
Hawai‘i accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Hawai‘i requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Hawai‘i teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Hawai‘i accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Hawai‘i can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were adopted in 2022 by the Hawai‘i State Board of Education.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Idaho, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Idaho requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Idaho teaching certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Idaho accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Idaho can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Idaho professional development requirements here.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Idaho Content Standards in Arts and Humanities, adopted in 2015 by the Idaho Department of Education. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Illinois, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Illinois requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
One semester credit at AOEU is equivalent to 15 CPDU hours in Illinois.
AOEU’s educational partnership with Morningside University means you can take our courses and earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Illinois allows approved providers to collaborate with unapproved third-party professional development providers to offer coursework and clock-hour PD opportunities.
Check with your school, district, or Regional Office of Education to see if they have a partnership with AOEU that allows for pre-approval of our offerings to meet PD requirements.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
Before enrolling at AOEU, it is the student’s responsibility to confirm that their district will be the defacto-approved provider on the individual student’s behalf. If you sought and gained approval from your district, AOEU advises requesting that your district provide you with specific paperwork stating that your Professional Development will be accepted, so you can enter what you need into the ISBE portal. Your district would be able to provide you with the next steps. AOEU continues to monitor the state of Illinois and will update this information should any changes occur.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
The Illinois Board of Education currently will not approve professional development coursework taken outside of the state of Illinois. Only coursework that has been completed through an in-state organization and is listed as an Illinois-approved provider will be accepted. Some Illinois districts are willing to be a defacto-approved provider. Some teachers have been successful in having their district utilize this method of approval process.
Illinois allows approved providers to collaborate with unapproved third-party professional development providers to offer coursework and clock-hour PD opportunities.
Check with your school, district, or Regional Office of Education to see if they have a partnership with AOEU that allows for pre-approval of our offerings to meet PD requirements.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit for CPDU credit.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Illinois Fine Arts Learning Standards, approved by the Illinois State Board of Education in 2016. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Indiana has a requirement to professionalize a teaching license that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Indiana’s requirements here.
Indiana accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Indiana requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Indiana teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Indiana accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Indiana can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Indiana requirements for the Professional Growth Plan here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events to be included in your PGP.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Indiana Academic Standards: Fine Arts adopted by the Indiana Department of Education in 2023. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Iowa has a requirement for a teacher licensure upgrade that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about meeting Iowa’s Master Educator Teaching License requirements on the Iowa Board of Education Examiners website.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Iowa’s requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find the details about Iowa’s teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Iowa may consider AOEU professional learning opportunities if their professional development plans include content-specific clock-hour learning.
Check with your district for pre-approval of AOEU learning events, including PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were approved and adopted by the Iowa State Board of Education in 2017 as Iowa’s Fine Arts Standards.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Kansas, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree. Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Kansas requirements for professional learning for license renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Kansas teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Kansas accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Kansas can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Kansas requirements for professional development here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning or the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which the Kansas Department of Education adopted in June 2015 as the Kansas Visual Arts Standards.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Kentucky accepts transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Kentucky requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Kentucky teacher certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Kentucky accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Kentucky can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards Visual Arts, adopted by the Kentucky Department of Education in 2015. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Louisiana accepts DEAC accredited graduate degrees for both advancing to Level 2 or above and renewal of certification for a license that permits renewal through education such as Level B.
Graduate coursework and degrees from The Art of Education University meet licensure goals because AOEU is an accredited institution with DEAC in compliance with 34 CRF 602.
• Louisiana will accept AOEU’s master’s degree to advance to a Level 3 certificate.
• Louisiana will accept AOEU coursework to add Master’s Plus 30 graduate credit hours
A master’s degree from AOEU meets Louisiana’s requirements.
You can find details about Lousiana’s requirements here.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Louisiana requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU. Graduate coursework and degrees from The Art of Education University meet licensure goals because AOEU is an accredited institution with DEAC in compliance with 34 CRF 602.
You can find details about Lousiana teacher certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Louisiana can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Louisiana Student Standards for the Arts, adopted by the Department of Education in 2004. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Maine, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Maine requirements for professional learning for teacher certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Maine certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Many teachers choose to earn a master’s degree to increase their earning potential. Check with your employer to find out if working towards enrolling in a master’s degree program is the right choice for you.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Maine can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Maine’s professional development requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Maine Learning Results: Visual and Performing Arts Standards, which were adopted by the Maine State Board of Education in 2022. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Maryland regulations state that to obtain an Advanced Professional Certificate (APC), the applicant must have an earned master’s or higher degree from an institute of higher learning in a certification area directly related to public school education. AOEU is an institution of higher education as defined by the state of Maryland and a master’s degree earned at AOEU can be used toward an APC. COMAR 13A.07.06 defines “institution of higher education” as an institution of postsecondary education that generally limits enrollment to graduates of secondary schools, and awards degrees at either the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate level.
In addition to an AOEU master’s degree, another requirement for an APC is the completion of 6 semester hours of acceptable credit related to the teacher’s specific discipline or the specialist’s specific assignment. AOEU’s educational partnerships can help you meet this requirement.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
The state regulatory information contained on this page is provided to assist students in making their own determination as to the regulatory requirements in their chosen state. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. However, state/local requirements change regularly, and therefore, it is the responsibility of students and graduates to check specific state/local requirements and how they apply to their education. The university makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the regulatory information contained herein.
Maryland requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Maryland teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Maryland accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Maryland can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Maryland’s professional development requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning or the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Maryland State Fine Arts Standards, which were adopted by the Maryland State Board of Education in 2016. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Massachusetts has a requirement for advancing a teaching license that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree! AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recognizes DEAC as an accrediting organization.
You can find details about Massachusetts requirements to advance to a professional license on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
The state regulatory information contained on this page is provided to assist students in making their own determination as to the regulatory requirements in their chosen state. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. However, state/local requirements change regularly, and therefore, it is the responsibility of students and graduates to check specific state/local requirements and how they apply to their education. The university makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the regulatory information contained herein.
Massachusetts requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Massachusetts’ teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
One semester credit hour is equivalent to 22.5 PDPs.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
AOEU is a Massachusetts-approved PDP provider. AOEU’s Massachusetts Department of Education provider number is #U20190004.
In order to submit AOEU clock hours to satisfy license renewal in MA, teachers must
- Obtain pre-approval from a supervisor
- Earn a minimum of 10 Professional Development Points in the topic area (similar content-area certificates may be combined to achieve 10 points)
Check with your district for pre-approval of AOEU options for professional development, including PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework, adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2019. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Michigan has a requirement for upgrading a teaching certificate that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about your state requirement here.
Michigan accepts transcripts from a college or university recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or U.S. Department of Education (USDE).
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
Michigan requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Michigan teaching certificate renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Michigan accepts transcripts from a college or university recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or U.S. Department of Education (USDE).
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
Teachers in Michigan can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Michigan’s professional learning requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned with the Michigan Merit Curriculum for the Visual Arts, adopted by the Michigan Department of Education in 2011. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Minnesota, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Minnesota recognizes degrees earned at an accredited college or university. Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
Minnesota requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Minnesota teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Minnesota recognizes degrees earned at an accredited college or university. Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
Teachers in Minnesota can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Minnesota clock hour categories and requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards in Arts Education, adopted by the Minnesota Department of Education in 2018. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Mississippi has a requirement for licensure upgrade that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about Mississippi’s licensure upgrade requirements on the Mississippi Department of Education website.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Mississippi requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Mississippi teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Mississippi who want to include AOEU professional learning opportunities in their professional development plans should check with school or district professional development coordinators for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Arts Learning Standards for Visual Arts adopted in 2017 by the Mississippi Department of Education. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Missouri, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Missouri requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Missouri teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Missouri accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Missouri can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Missouri guidelines for professional learning here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning or the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were approved in 2019 by the Missouri Department of Education as the Missouri Arts Learning Standards.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Montana has a requirement for licensure upgrade or renewal that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Montana’s requirements here.
Montana accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools.
AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Montana requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Montana teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Montana accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Montana can earn professional development contact hours (OPI units) through AOEU, an approved OPI Provider.
All AOEU clock hours must be entered into Montana’s system within 30 days of completion. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure this process is complete.
Once you have completed your PRO Learning or NOW Conference experience, simply complete this form to request that AOEU submit your hours.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned with the Montana Content Standards for the Arts, adopted by the Montana Board of Public Education in 2016. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Nebraska has a requirement for licensure upgrade or renewal that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Nebraska’s requirements here.
Nebraska accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools.
AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Nebraska requirements for professional learning for teaching certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Nebraska’s teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Nebraska accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Nebraska can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Nebraska Fine Arts Standards, adopted by the Nebraska State Board of Education in 2014. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Nevada has a requirement for a teaching license upgrade that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about Nevada’s licensure upgrade requirements on the Nevada Department of Education website.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Nevada requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Nevada teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
AOEU is an approved continuing education provider in Nevada.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to the NDE through OPAL.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Nevada Academic Content Standards for Fine Arts, adopted by the State of Nevada Department of Education in 2018. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In New Hampshire, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in New Hampshire can meet personal lifelong learning goals by taking graduate coursework at AOEU.
Review New Hampshire educator license renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in New Hampshire can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See New Hampshire’s professional development requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events to include in a Professional Development Master Plan.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were approved by the New Hampshire State Department of Education in 2015 as the New Hampshire Arts Model Competencies.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In New Jersey, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
New Jersey requirements for professional learning may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about New Jersey’s professional learning requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in New Jersey create a Professional Development Plan at the district level. AOEU professional learning opportunities may support these plans.
Review New Jersey standards for professional development here.
Seek pre-approval from your PDP leadership to add AOEU professional learning to your plan.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Visual Arts, adopted by the state in 2020. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
New Mexico has a requirement for licensure advancement that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about New Mexico’s requirements here.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
New Mexico requirements for professional learning for teaching certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about New Mexico teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
New Mexico accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in New Mexico create a Professional Development Dossier at the district level. AOEU professional learning opportunities may support these plans.
Review New Mexico standards for professional development here.
Seek pre-approval from your PDP leadership to add AOEU professional learning to your plan.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were adopted by the New Mexico Public Education Department in 2018 as the New Mexico Core Arts Standards.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
An AOEU Master’s degree can be used to advance from the Initial to the Professional classroom teaching certificate. There are two separate academic requirements: Master’s degree and Graduate Coursework Content Core (12 semester hours).
The Master’s degree requirement can be met with any Master’s degree awarded by an institution of higher education that is accredited by an institutional accrediting agency recognized for this purpose by the United States Department of Education. AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) which is on of the accrediting agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education. You can research accredited institutions of higher education here:
The Graduate Coursework Content Core (12 semester hours) requirement can be satisfied by a Master’s degree. The Master’s degree may satisfy the requirement if it is in the subject of the Initial certificate title or in a closely related subject area.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
The state regulatory information contained on this page is provided to assist students in making their own determination as to the regulatory requirements in their chosen state. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. However, state/local requirements change regularly, and therefore, it is the responsibility of students and graduates to check specific state/local requirements and how they apply to their education. The university makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the regulatory information contained herein.
AOEU is an approved Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) provider. CTLE education graduate coursework may be met at AOEU.
You can find details about New York teaching certificate renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
AOEU is an approved CTLE sponsor through the New York Office of Teaching Initiatives. AOEU’s provider number is #23348.
For information on reporting professional learning for CTLE credit, visit the New York Office of Teaching Initiatives webpage.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to the NYOTI.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the New York State Learning Standards for the ARTS, adopted by the New York State Department of Education in 2017. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
A master’s degree earned at AOEU has been accepted for a salary upgrade in North Carolina. North Carolina will consider a master’s degree earned from an out-of-state institution for an upgrade if the state where the degree is earned accepts the degree for a license upgrade. The state of Iowa accepts a master’s degree earned from AOEU for a license upgrade; therefore, North Carolina will consider an AOEU degree for a salary upgrade. In North Carolina, the state and county/district work together to determine salary advancement. A teacher who can add a master’s degree to their license may be able to have the district accept the degree for a master’s level salary. Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
The state regulatory information contained on this page is provided to assist students in making their own determination as to the regulatory requirements in their chosen state. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. However, state/local requirements change regularly, and therefore, it is the responsibility of students and graduates to check specific state/local requirements and how they apply to their education. The university makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the regulatory information contained herein.
North Carolina requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about North Carolina teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
North Carolina accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in North Carolina have statewide professional development standards. AOEU offers learning opportunities that improve teachers’ application of content.
Check with your professional development coordinator for pre-approval if you plan to submit an AOEU clock hour certificate for completion of AOEU professional learning opportunities.
AOEU options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned with the North Carolina Arts Education Standards, adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Education in 2010.
NEW: 2024 North Carolina Standard Course of Study Art Standards
The North Carolina Department of Education updated and adopted the 2024 North Carolina Visual Arts Standard Course of Study. Districts are expected to implement the new standards starting in the 2025–2026 school year. The new standards will be reflected in FLEX Curriculum content for the start of the 2025–2026 school year, making it easier for teachers and districts to transition and seamlessly implement the new standards into their instructional practice.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
In North Dakota, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
North Dakota requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about North Dakota teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in North Dakota can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning plan include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to North Dakota Visual Arts Content Standards, approved by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction in 2019. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Ohio has a requirement to advance a teaching license that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Ohio’s requirements here.
Ohio accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools.
AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Ohio requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Ohio teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Ohio accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in Ohio may consider adding AOEU learning opportunities to their Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs).
Be sure to have AOEU learning opportunities reviewed and pre-approved before enrolling in an event.
See Ohio requirements here.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned with the Ohio State Fine Arts Standards, adopted by the Ohio Department of Education in 2012.
NEW: 2024 Ohio Learning Standards for Fine Arts
The Ohio Department of Education updated and adopted the 2024 Ohio Learning Standards for Fine Arts. Districts are expected to implement the standards starting in the 2025–2026 school year. The new standards will be reflected in FLEX Curriculum content for the start of the 2025–2026 school year, making it easier for teachers and districts to transition and seamlessly implement the new standards into their instructional practice.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
In Oklahoma, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Oklahoma can meet personal lifelong learning goals by taking graduate coursework at AOEU.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Oklahoma can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the 2023 Oklahoma Academic Standards for Fine Arts, which were adopted by the Oklahoma State Department of Education in 2023. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Oregon has a requirement for licensure advancement that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about Oregon’s requirements here.
Oregon accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools.
AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Oregon can meet personal lifelong learning goals by taking graduate coursework at AOEU.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Oregon can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU ‘s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Oregon Visual Arts Standards, adopted by the Oregon Department of Education in 2015. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Pennsylvania teachers can upgrade a teaching license with AOEU coursework that can later lead to an AOEU master’s degree!
Teachers with a Level I license can move to a Level II license by earning 24 graduate-level credits with pre-approval.
You can find more details about Pennsylvania’s requirements here.
In Pennsylvania, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in Pennsylvania can take graduate coursework at AOEU and earn ACT 48 hours to meet licensure renewal requirements.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
Pennsylvania requires that teachers submitting graduate coursework for ACT 48 hours request official sealed transcripts from the institution be sent directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
You can request your AOEU transcript here.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Pennsylvania can earn ACT 48 professional development clock hours with AOEU.
AOEU is an approved provider in Pennsylvania and a teacher can submit ACT 48 clock hours for PRO Learning engagement. Teachers are required to submit their paperwork within 30 days after completing a PRO Pack in order to earn ACT 48 professional development clock hours. Teachers that wish to have graduate credit courses reported to the state need to request that official sealed transcripts are sent to:
Act 48 Transcripts, Division of Planning
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 3rd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Check with your district for pre-approval of the NOW Conference.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Pennsylvania’s Visual Arts Standards that were adopted by the Pennsylvania State Board of Education in 2003. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Rhode Island has a requirement for certification advancement that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about Rhode Island’s requirements here.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Rhode Island requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Rhode Island’s teaching certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in Rhode Island may consider engaging in AOEU professional learning to earn Rhode Island Professional Learning Units (PLUs).
See Rhode Island requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Art Standards (NCAS), which were unanimously endorsed by the Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education and approved by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) in 2017.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In South Carolina, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
South Carolina requirements for professional certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
Teachers are responsible for having all renewal coursework pre-approved.
You can find details about South Carolina professional certificate renewal requirements here.
South Carolina accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in South Carolina can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See South Carolina requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to South Carolina’s College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts, approved by the State Board of Education in 2017. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
South Dakota has a requirement for certification advancement that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about South Dakota’s requirements here.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
South Dakota requirements for professional learning for certification renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about South Dakota teaching certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in South Dakota can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Review South Dakota requirements here.
AOEU options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to South Dakota Fine Arts Standards, adopted by the South Dakota State Board of Education in 2022. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Tennessee, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Tennessee requirements for professional certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU. Teachers are responsible for having all renewal coursework pre-approved.
You can find details about Tennessee professional certificate renewal requirements here.
Tennessee accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Art teachers in Tennessee may consider engaging in AOEU professional learning to fulfill Professional Learning Plan requirements.
See Tennessee requirements here.
Check with your professional learning plan coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Tennessee Academic Standards for Fine Arts, adopted by the Tennessee State Board of Education in 2018. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Texas, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Texas requirements for professional learning for certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Texas certificate renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
AOEU is an approved CPE provider in Texas. AOEU’s provider number is #902-195.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning or the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate for CPE credit.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Texas TEKS Fine Arts Standards, which the Texas State Board of Education adopted in April 2013. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Utah, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Utah requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Utah teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Utah accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Utah can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Utah requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Utah Core Standards for Fine Arts, which were approved by the Utah State Board of Education in 2016. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Vermont, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Vermont requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Vermont teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in AOEU courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Vermont accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Vermont can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Vermont professional learning requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Art Standards (NCAS), which were approved for adoption by the Vermont State Board of Education in 2016.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Virginia, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes. AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Virginia requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Virginia teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Virginia accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools for credits toward license renewal. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Virginia can earn professional development clock hours to meet Professional Development Plan goals with AOEU.
See Virginia requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning, adopted by the Virginia Board of Education in 2020. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Washington has a requirement for upgrading an initial teaching certificate that can be met with an AOEU master’s degree!
You can find details about Washington’s requirements here.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Washington requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Washington teaching certification renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Washington may be able to earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Washington’s requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), which were approved by the Learning and Teaching Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Washington state in 2017 as the Washington Arts Learning Standards in Visual Art.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
Washington DC’s Superintendent of Education may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes.
AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your employer about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
The District of Columbia’s requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Washington DC’s teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in AOEU courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Washington DC can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Washington DC requirements here.
Check with your professional learning coordinator for pre-approval of AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
The District of Columbia uses the DC Arts Education Standards, adopted by the District of Columbia State Board of Education in 2008. FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the National Core Art Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
West Virginia has a requirement for a teaching certificate upgrade that can be met with a master’s degree!
You can find details about West Virginia’s requirements here.
West Virginia accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU has developed partnerships with regionally accredited universities to help our students meet their graduate coursework goals.
Submit this interest form if you’d like to talk to an admissions counselor about whether our master’s degree pathway program is right for you!
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
You can find details about West Virginia teaching licensure renewal requirements here. West Virginia requirements for professional learning for teaching certificate renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
West Virginia accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in West Virginia can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for the Arts – Visual Arts Education, adopted by the West Virginia State Board of Education in 2018. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Wisconsin, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes.
AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Wisconsin can meet personal lifelong learning goals by taking graduate coursework at AOEU.
Requirements in Wisconsin for continuing education for the purpose of renewing a teaching license vary. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website for guidance.
Enrolling in AOEU courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you. About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Wisconsin can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
Check with your district for pre-approval if you want to satisfy state requirements with AOEU learning events.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference.
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Wisconsin Standards for Art and Design, adopted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in 2019. FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
In Wyoming, individual school districts may recognize higher degrees for pay purposes.
AOEU offers a Master of Arts in Art Education degree.
Check with your district about opportunities for salary advancement with a master’s degree. If your district will only accept regionally accredited master’s degrees for salary advancement, our educational partnership may still benefit you and help you meet your goals.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Wyoming requirements for professional learning for licensure renewal may be met or partially met through graduate coursework at AOEU.
You can find details about Wyoming teaching licensure renewal requirements here.
Enrolling in courses is easy! Up to 18 AOEU credit hours may be applied toward a master’s degree later. See our Transfer Credit Policy for details.
Wyoming accepts transcripts from only regionally accredited colleges and schools. AOEU’s educational partnerships mean you can take our courses and still earn a transcript that will satisfy regional accreditation requirements.
Contact our admissions team to explore various learning pathways and choose the right one for you.
About Our Accreditation
AOEU is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
DEAC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Teachers in Wyoming can earn professional development clock hours with AOEU.
See Wyoming requirements here.
Teachers must obtain PTSB pre-approval of AOEU learning events before enrolling or registering.
AOEU’s options for professional learning include PRO Learning and the NOW Conference
Once you complete a learning event, you can download a certificate to submit to your state or district coordinator.
FLEX Curriculum is aligned to the Wyoming Fine and Performing Arts Content and Performance Standards, adopted by the Wyoming Department of Education in 2013.
NEW: 2023 Wyoming Fine and Performing Arts Standards
The Wyoming Department of Education updated and adopted new Wyoming Fine and Performing Arts Content and Performance Standards. Districts are expected to implement the standards starting in the 2026–2027 school year. The new standards will be reflected in FLEX Curriculum content for the start of the 2026–2027 school year, making it easier for teachers and districts to transition and seamlessly implement the new standards into their instructional practice.
Learn more about FLEX and how to get it in your district.
FLEX Curriculum is also aligned to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS).
We are providing this information as a courtesy according to our latest research. Due to the complexity of laws and policies in each state, we cannot guarantee our findings. Please verify the information shared here with your school administrator or state DOE to ensure accuracy.