Reserve your spot today and get access to the recording post-event.

  • Learn about different approaches to visual arts curriculum in California districts and identify the best fit for your needs.
  • Explore strategies for procuring and managing art supplies, including access to supply lists and guidance on the best places to source materials.
  • Hear real success stories from California districts.
  • Reflect and plan your next steps to start or grow your visual arts program.

This is a professional learning series with content framed within the context of the California Arts Education Framework.

Join us for an insightful discussion with our expert panelists. Tiffany Dominguez, Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Centralia Elementary School District, has recently led the launch of a new visual arts program in her district. She will provide firsthand insights into her decision-making process, the challenges faced, and the successes achieved. Jennifer Gurss, a former educator and Subject Matter Expert at The Art of Education University, has partnered with over 250 district leaders in California and will share successful approaches to visual arts education and solutions in curriculum and professional development.