Managing A High School Art Room

MATT Christensen

San Fransico, CA

One of the biggest challenges I face is high-energy, off-task behavior. I expect each class to start off focused and end focused. At CAT, we call these “Strong Start” and “Focused Finish.” Often, especially when instruction is over a few minutes, keeping every student engaged and focused on the discussion/slideshow at the front of the room is challenging.

  1. Read the case study: Managing the High School Art Room 

2. Watch the video: Engaging High School Students with Matt Christensen

3. Download and review the handout: Engaging Students and Managing the High School Lesson

4. Watch the video: Derailing Management Challenges with Matt Christensen 

5. Download and review the handout: How to Establish a Positive Environment

6. Return to our course discussion board.

Managing the Art Room
Managing the Art Room