How to Pay for PRO

While the need for on-demand, personalized professional learning is not difficult to identify in most districts, the funding for such solutions can be. That is why The Art of Education University has invested a tremendous amount of time researching and working to understand the various funding pathways available to the arts.

Below are several we encourage you to carefully consider.


Asking for Art-Specific PD

There’s professional development funding available for your team. We can help you advocate for it.


Professional Development Budget

Your district already has funding set aside for PD—learn how to advocate to make sure it’s invested in your team.

Funding Pathways

Here are three primary funding pathways—local, ESSER, and ESSA—you should consider when looking to secure monies for visual arts solutions like FLEX + PRO.

Advocating in Your District

Approaching your administration can be intimidating, so if you’re unsure of how to ask for FLEX + PRO in your district, we are here to help. Check out these tips to help you navigate the conversation.

Have you considered…

Budget Image


While visual arts teachers generally see more students than any other teacher, their professional development oftentimes goes overlooked or unrecognized. It’s important that visual arts be included in this budget.



Sometimes, funds from last year’s title award can go unallocated or allocated but never consumed. A deeper conversation with federal programs may open up an opportunity.

Curriculum/Textbook Budgets

Due to the lack of art classroom curriculum, many partner districts have succeeded in using such funds as PRO provides supplemental curriculum and lesson planning resources.

Title 2 Part A

Supporting Effective Instruction

Eligible activities under ESSA includes teacher professional development activities for arts educators.

title 3 part A

ELA, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement

Eligible activities under ESSA include professional development to build arts educators’ capacity to meet the needs of ELs and acquiring digital resources that support ELs in art classes.

Title 4 Part A

Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

Eligible activities under ESSA include professional development and equipment to support the effective use of technology in delivering arts instruction, supporting collaboration among arts educators, and/or engaging with arts professionals outside of the school.


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