
Simple Tips to Help Students Hold a Ruler or Trace in the Art Room

Rulers seem to be the top tool that students do not know how to use in the art room year after year! However, with increased screen time and decreased play time, we are seeing more coordination issues across the board. Join pediatric occupational therapist, Dani Dermer, as she shares her top tips to help students increase their bilateral coordination, or ability to use both hands at once. In the art room, this includes holding a ruler and drawing a straight line, grasping a stencil or item and tracing its base, or handling a piece of paper and cutting a shape out. Gain several ideas to address these skills using simple items like foam strips, colored stickers, painter’s tape, and magnetic tiles!

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Lindsey McGinnis

Lindsey McGinnis is AOEU’s Media Content Manager and a former high school art educator. She is passionately equipping art teachers to be successful in their classrooms and firmly believes that art is a safe place for students to explore and process the challenging topics and concepts around them.

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