Choice-Based Art Education

Place students at the center of their educational experience as you explore choice-based approaches in the art classroom.

3 Credits|8 Weeks|$1275

Choice-based classrooms empower students to take ownership of their learning and place the student at the center of their educational experience. Participants in this course will come to better understand choice-based practices in the art room by examining various choice-based approaches, implementing relevant management strategies, and investigating their own stance on choice-based teaching practices. This course will encourage exploration and a deepening understanding of choice-based approaches in the art classroom, leaving participants with increased confidence and a bigger toolbox.

See the course syllabus and Graduate Catalog for more details.

Required Materials

Additional Materials

  • Computer with basic audio and video input and output equipment
  • Internet access (broadband recommended)
  • Basic computing skills (see AOEU’s Technology Requirements)
  • Access to AOEU’s online learning platform, Brightspace, to view course content, submit assignments, and engage in discussion (provided)
  • A Google Drive account (provided)
  • Word-processing platform (Microsoft Office, Pages, Google Docs)


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8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CT (M–F)