Studio: Painting–Tempera and Acrylic

Focus on tempera and acrylic techniques in a studio environment as you discover best practices for immediate use in the classroom and create authentic artworks.

3 Credits|8 Weeks|$1275

Studio: Painting—Tempera and Acrylic is specifically designed for art teachers and the application of skills in a K–12 classroom. This course will address best practices for use of each media, including color theory, mixing mediums, and advanced techniques as well as brush selection, storage, and organization. Give yourself the time and opportunity to try new techniques weekly and delve deeper by creating a teacher showcase series as a final portfolio.

See the course syllabus and Graduate Catalog for more details.

Required Materials

Additional Materials

  • Computer with basic audio and video input and output equipment
  • Internet access (broadband recommended)
  • Basic computing skills (see AOEU’s Technology Requirements)
  • Access to AOEU’s online learning platform, Brightspace, to view course content, submit assignments, and engage in discussion (provided)
  • A Google Drive account (provided)
  • Word-processing platform (Microsoft Office, Pages, Google Docs)


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