
The Art Teacher’s Guide to Twitter

Twitter is one of the best resources to connect with other art educators and educational leaders, allowing you to send messages using only 140 characters. The most current and innovative ideas are floating around in the twittersphere. Most art teachers share pictures of their artwork and links to their blogs which have explanations to their latest art projects. It is a great way to find inspiration and support each other as professionals and art educators!


If you are not a part of Twitter click here to sign up!

There are a 3 basics that you’ll want to know about Twitter:

1. Be sure to follow the right people.

It is all about following the right people! A great source to follow and check out is The Art of Education on twitter. Check out Theresa McGee’s list of Art Educators on Twitter to get a jump start on your very own Professional Learning Network (PLN.)

2. Learn the basics of tweeting and how to search for relevant conversations.

@ = the message is sent to that person


#= hashtag which allows you to serach a conversation

3. Connect from multiple places to keep in touch.

You can download Twitter Apps for your phone, iPad or desktop of your computer. This way, you don’t have to log in each time to participate. You can view and send a few messages here and there and stay in touch on the go!

I know that Twitter has helped me get new ideas for my art room, connect with other great art teachers from around the world, and sparked ideas that I would have never thought of on my own!

Hope to connect with you on Twitter! My Twitter name is @chelsiemeyer

How has using Twitter made a difference for you as an art educator?

What are some tips or tricks you have to using Twitter?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Chelsie Meyer

Chelsie Meyer, an art educator, is a former AOEU Writer.

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