If you are thinking about how to start your school year off right, chances are you’ve spent some time on a classroom management plan. However, no matter how thoughtful or solid your plan is, it won’t be effective unless it is introduced to your students using a few key strategies.
Follow these simple tips to get your peacefully productive classroom up and running from day one.
1. You’ve gotta teach it!
That’s right, you must teach your classroom management plan from day one just like you would any other skill. Script out your explanation of the rules, and go through it so nothing is left out. When kids are unsure of how to act, problems arise.
2. Work it, covergirl!
Model, model, model, and never stop! Don’t just tell your students, show them exactly what you expect. You may even have a few of them model strong behavior too.
3. Take it from the expert
Author and classroom management guru Michael Linsin and I both feel that you should model a little of what not to do too. Inject a little humor into the situation. It will stick!
4. Make art to make it stick
Don’t just spout rules for the whole class period. Boring! Plus students are probably doing that in every other class. Try a quick little lesson so that students can begin to put the procedures into practice right away. Be consistent on behaviors and consequences from day one. There is no free pass on the first day.
5. It’s not over until the school bell rings
You will have to revisit your classroom management plan often, especially at the beginning of the year. Everyone needs refreshers now and again. Don’t skip the chance to be consistent and intentional by assuming that after day one everyone has the management plan down, including yourself.
By following these simple but important introduction procedures, you can ensure that your management plan will get delivered effectively.
How do you introduce your classroom management plan?
Do you have any tips for maintaining consistency throughout the year?
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