Joy Schultz, art teaching superwoman, runs an entire high school art program by herself that teaches students the value of following their passion through such great activities as Homes for Haiti, Curbside Couture fashion shows, and work throughout the community, city, and world.
Watch or listen to her inspiring interview about letting your own passion come into your classroom, how to keep your fire burning, and how to make your art room incredible while helping your students change the world for the better.

Here are a few of the articles discussed and a few other gems from the Art of Ed:
- You can see everything Joy does by reading her blog, including in-depth explanations of everything she does with Homes for Haiti and the Curbside Couture Fashion Show.
- Look at Joy’s favorite apps: Haiku and Blendspace.
- See how Joy’s classroom vision compares to Ian’s Vision for Art Education.
- AOE Classes align incredibly well with what Joy had to say about Creativity, Curriculum, and Differentiation.
- Follow The Art of Ed, Andrew, Tim, and Joy on Twitter.
- You can also see some reactions to the discussion on Twitter by searching #aoelive.
Check out for details on our next upcoming show!
Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.