The ultimate visual arts curriculum platform for California Educators

California State Board of Education has adopted FLEX Curriculum for the 2021 K-8 Arts Instructional Materials Adoption. FLEX Curriculum gives teachers access to a rich library of standards-aligned art curriculum materials including 1,000s of lessons, videos, resources, and assessments!

Teachers’ Perspectives


Don’t have a visual arts department in your school? Your students still need art!

Research has shown that linking art activities with instruction in other subjects can improve student learning in those subjects. But that’s not all: studies show art education has a positive and statistically significant impact on social-emotional learning and processing abilities. Those are growth areas students need in other subjects and for life. Art education is critical.

In the absence of a dedicated visual arts department, arts education is still needed. FLEX lesson plans and instructional resources can help bring visual arts back to schools and classrooms when art teachers are not available to help. Teachers of core studies can access FLEX curriculum for incorporation into primary subject areas.

California K-8 Scope & Sequence

CA Scope and Sequence

Learn more about how to use FLEX. 

FLEX works with your school’s LMS

Get FLEX in your school