One of my goals this year is to incorporate more technology into my classroom and my teaching. However, I also want to incorporate technology into the students’ learning and get their eager little hands on the technology, too.
Our district is so fortunate. Each elementary art room has a set of digital cameras for student use. Please don’t shout or throw things at the screen! I know we are lucky!!
I figured the only way I would muster up the teaching courage to put these expensive pieces of technology in the student’s hands, was to just jump in head first and do it! So, the first day of school, I planned a digital photo scavenger hunt for my 2nd and 4th grade art classes. Nothing like the first day of school to start something new and exciting.
I divided the students into groups of 2-4. Each group had a digital camera to share. They each got a checklist to follow. Most of the scavenger hunt items were based on the elements and principles of design, as well as things the students had learned last year as a review. The students took photos outside, mostly on the playground.
Here is one checklist I used for the hunt:
Going into this, I really had no expectations. I had never done this before. I have to say the students FAR EXCEEDED my expectations. Some of the pictures they took were simply AMAZING! Here is a little sampling of some of my favorite student photos. I have made a video slide show of samples form the entire photo hunt. Check my Videos section of the blog, or simply click here to view my YouTube Channel.
What do you think? Didn’t the students do a great job?
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