I have always refused to work in my classroom over Winter Break. Now, that might sound foolish to some, but I promise you there is a reason why I have made this decision and a foolproof way to make it work. Each year, instead of coming in over break, I stay late (usually really late) on the very last day before break. It’s true, this is a test of my self-control (all teachers want to run out of the building about 10 seconds after our students), but if I use that time to get my room clean and prepped, I do not have to step foot in my room until the new year. I keep my eyes on the prize!
My process is has only two simple steps.
1. Focus on tasks that need to be completed in the art room.
These things might include:
- Rearranging, re-labeling, cleaning desks
- Cutting paper and prepping supplies for the next lessons
- Tidying up the counters, sinks, storage areas
- Filing that pile of “stuff-to-file” on your desk
- Finishing up any grading
- Change out artwork displays
2. Make a list of items to complete at home.
I do it right then, while I am still in “school mode” and before holiday cheer wipes my memory clean! What items remain that I need to complete before the new year? My list is very specific and I make sure to have the information I need to finish these projects at home. Items like the following can be typed up or written out at home, while sipping a hot cocoa and listening to some holiday tunes:
- Typing lesson plans
- Creating new seating charts
- Class List Updates
- Classroom website or blog
- Parent Communications
- Catching up on all the blogs you bookmarked and pinned to read at a later date.
Now it is time to turn off the lights and go home! Enjoy family and friends. Relax and rejuvenate. We all deserve it!
What is your philosophy about working in your classroom over Winter Break?
Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.