
How to Use Google Forms to Make Your Life Easier

screenshot of google form

Do you want to easily organize the information you collect, seamlessly assess student learning, and increase student engagement? I have two words for you: Google Forms. Okay, I know what you’re thinking…BO-RING. That’s what I thought until I learned more about them at Google’s EdTechTeam Summit. I was blown away by how easy Google Forms are to set up and use. They are a quick and paperless way to store and analyze any information you look for in things like tests, quizzes, or surveys.

Making your own forms is easy!

To get started, all you need is a Google account. From there, you can head to Google Forms and get started. Watch the handy video below to find out how.

Three Forms to Use This School Year

I’ve gone ahead and created three helpful forms you can use in your classroom immediately. To access them you will need a Google account. To save one of my examples, first select the link. Once the form is open, select “File,” then “Make a Copy.” Or, select the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and then select “Make a Copy.”

make a copy directions

This will create your own version of the form in your own Google Drive. After the form is saved, you can edit it to meet your specific needs.

Form 1: Contact Info

Do you collect contact information from parents or students? You can quickly make a form that will store names and contact information so you can easily access it without digging through your file cabinet! How cool is that? Check out the sample parent contact form below!

parent contact form

Form 2: Knowledge Survey

Knowing what sort of knowledge your students bring to the table is essential when planning instruction. However, sorting, storing, and organizing that information can be a challenge – especially for elementary specials teachers with 500 plus students. To make one, simply ask a few questions that will help you gauge where students are. Knowledge surveys are perfect for the beginning of a course or unit. This information about what students know will help to make your instruction match the needs in your classroom and is a great thing to show data-loving administrators!

Here is an example you could use at the beginning of the year.

student knowledge survey

Form 3: Assessment

Do you give tests or exams? Google Forms makes grading these easy by giving you the option of assigning a point value to each question. You can set up the assessment so students see their scores as soon as they finish for immediate feedback. It’s easy to do, grades in seconds, and provides you with helpful data. Use it to help students evaluate their progress by giving the assessment in the middle of the unit, then let kids who missed questions re-take it at the end.

Here is a sample color quiz you could use with your students.

color quiz

There are numerous ways to use Google Forms in art education. They’ll help you organize the information you need, make assessment a breeze and save you lots of time.

Do you use Google Forms in your classroom? We’d love to know how! 

Do you have any helpful forms to share? 

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Melissa Purtee

Melissa Purtee is a high school art educator and a former AOEU Writer. She is passionate about supporting diversity, student choice, and facilitating authentic expression.

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