Learn More: Art Education and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Art teachers are all about visual aids. We know when we see something regularly, it becomes more ingrained in our brains. To help you get the message out to keep you, your students, and your classrooms clean and healthy, we created six posters you can download right now and use in your classrooms. If you want to save paper, post on your LMS, or share it on social media, click here to get all of them at once or download them individually below. Share them with your colleagues and families.
What you need to know about coronavirus.
1. A simple, straightforward 4-step handwashing handout.
2. Washing your hands doesn’t just happen after a bathroom visit.
3. Stay away from germs with these reminders.
Want even more helpful resources for your classroom? Check out FLEX Curriculum.
4. Ever heard of a “vampire cough”?
5. Being healthy isn’t just about not getting sick!
6. A handy checklist for your classroom.
Click here to get all of the downloads at once.
Click here to get all of the downloads at once.
How else can we support you during this time?
How do you help students remember how to be healthy?
Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.