
Take the State of Art Education 2022 Survey

For the past four years, we have surveyed thousands of art teachers to get an inside look at what matters in art education. Because we are an organization for art teachers by art teachers, we need you! There is no one better than you to tell us about current trends, topics, and issues in the art classroom. We would appreciate a few minutes of your time to fill out 2022’s survey here.

Complete The Survey Today!


Stay tuned! In a couple of months, we will share the survey results here in the Magazine. In the meantime, feel free to browse the results from previous years:

Together, we can shape the world of art education, empower young artists, and make the world more beautiful, one artwork at a time.

Did you take the 2022 State of Art Education survey yet?

What art teacher friend can you share the survey with?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Megan Dehner

Megan Dehner, an art and Spanish language educator, is a former AOEU Writer. She believes in empowering art teachers with resources and knowledge to overcome barriers students may face in the art room.

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