Classroom Management

The Clean-Up Routine That Transformed My Art Room

It’s not news that at the end of the year, our routines and expectations begin to fall by the wayside. In fact, I recently had to review my most basic rules, as I noticed a decline in my students’ behavior and level of responsibility in the art room. They were even forgetting things like raising their hands!

If you’re in the same boat, I encourage you to continue to model, reteach and reinforce your routines and expectations through the end of the year. In today’s video, I’ll share the straightforward clean-up routine that has helped keep my kids on track each time they come to art.

For more videos like this, subscribe to AOEU on YouTube.


How do you review expectations and routines?

How do you combat a decline in behavior at the end of the year?

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Alecia Eggers Kaczmarek

Alecia Eggers Kaczmarek, an elementary school art educator, is a former AOEU Writer. She is passionate about teaching and reaching students through an innovative and meaningful arts education.

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