
A Must-See Research Database for Art Educators

Arts Education Partnership

Are you working towards an advanced degree? Perhaps you’re looking for solid data to present to an administrator or your school board about the arts. Maybe you just wanna geek out on a huge amount of scholarly literature on arts education. Whatever your reason for seeking out research, I recommend you check out the website www.artsedsearch.org.

This website has a searchable database of academia created  by the Arts Education Partnership. You can narrow your search by art form, outcome, subject, and many other choices. (Be aware that the site includes government reports and unpublished dissertations and that if you’re working on a thesis of your own, you may have to look out for older, less relevant studies.) Otherwise this site is a one-stop shop for arts education research worth checking out!


How have you used research to enhance your practice? 

Are there other great research-based websites out there that you could share? We’d love to know!



Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Sarah Dougherty

Sarah Dougherty, a visual arts curriculum coordinator, is a former AOEU Writer and elementary school art educator. She loves working with diverse populations to bring art into students’ homes, communities, and everyday lives.

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