Andrew and Tim join forces for the “official” debut of AOE Live, taking on the topic of Inspiration. Jen Dahl joins the guys for an in-depth conversation about personal teaching style, where we find our inspiration as art teachers, and how inspiration affects us in both the short-term and long-term. And can we figure out why Andrew never fully plans his lessons?

Here are a few of the articles discussed and a few other gems from the Art of Ed:
- Check out guest Jen Dahl’s blog.
- Collecting Artifacts from your travels and art experiences: Ideas from AOE as well as Patty Palmer’s Deep Space Sparkle Blog.
- Andrew talked about tailoring your curriculum to the needs of your students–read about the idea of emergent curriculum.
- Keeping things fresh, and keeping yourself motivated is always important. Have you thought about a professional bucket list?
- And lastly, what discussion about inspiration would be complete without a great list of inspirational art room quotes?
- If you are interested in checking out your professional organization, take a look at the NAEA Website.
- And if you’re looking for some relevant, in-depth PD that is actually inspiring, take a look at Tim’s favorite class to teach, Instructional Strategies for Art Teachers. Or, if classroom management is a big part of your teaching style, you might be interested in Managing the Art Room.
- You can also see some reactions to the discussion on Twitter by searching #aoelive.
Check out for details on our next upcoming show!
Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.