Professional Learning

New Online Grad Class | Studio: Fibers

fibers documents

Today, AOE is proud to reveal the newest course in our growing collection of hands-on studio art courses.

Introducing:… Studio: Fibers!Studio: Fibers logoThis course allows art teachers to experience weaving, felting, embroidery, and more all while earning graduate credit or professional development contact hours! First run date: October 1, 2016.

Cassie Stephens

What we love:

This course provides a unique opportunity to sharpen fiber art teaching skills and grow as an artist, regardless of experience or skill level. If you’ve shied away from weaving in the past, our expert-led video tutorials and experienced instructors will show you how to make fibers a successful classroom experience. If you are comfortable with fiber arts but looking for fresh ideas, this course will help you take your skills to the next level with advanced methods like felting and embroidery.

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What you’ll love:

This course provides a fresh approach to what was once considered a “vintage” art skill. Course instructors and content experts, including the incredible Cassie Stephens, will challenge traditional fiber arts by weaving in fresh ideas and current themes your students will love! Modern handouts and lesson plans will provide samples for immediate use in the classroom. And best of all, when you take an AOE studio class, your classroom experience is shared with art teachers from across the globe!

fibers documents

Course Description:

Fiber arts elicit a multitude of reactions from art teachers. Some love this medium while others merely tolerate or even avoid it. Visions of needles, scissors, and tumbleweeds of yarn can be exciting, overwhelming or even downright scary! This course is designed to conquer your fears and boost your fiber arts curriculum, no matter how scant or extensive it may be. Take your lessons to the next level with hands-on assignments focused on 2D and 3D weaving, needle felting, wet felting, embroidery and more!

needle felting demo

You will work, hands-on, through demonstrations and projects that are fresh and exciting. Led by experts in the field, this class will take “old-school” techniques and make them cool again. You will conquer organization and management specific to fiber arts in the art room and create useful tools that break skills down for your students at any age level.

Course Takeaways:

  • Experiment with a wide variety of 2D and 3D weaving, felting, and embroidery techniques.
  • Learn from art educators and fiber arts experts from around the country who understand the challenges of teaching fiber-infused lessons.
  • Create resources, tools, and hands-on fiber art examples to use directly in the classroom.
  • Research best practices in the management and organization of fiber arts.
  • Push your own personal practice to the next level while revamping your fiber art curriculum.

You can enroll in this class today to earn 3 Graduate Credits or 120 PD contact hours! Studio Courses are spread out over an 8-week period with ample time to dive deeply into the media. This course debuts October 1st, 2016 just in time to snuggle in with some cozy yarn and wool as the temperatures drop. It will also run in November and December.

Read more about this class, including the weekly assignment breakdown on the Studio: Fibers page.

See you in class!

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Heather Crockett

Heather Crockett is AOEU’s Chief Academic Officer and a former AOEU Writer and art educator. She is an expert in differentiation, curriculum development, and assessment.

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