Professional Learning

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Professional Practice

The Reasons Why Teachers Stay (Ep. 424)

Art of Education Magazine & Media Podcast
derek fordjour
Professional Learning

How to Build a Vibrant Art Community to Support Your Creative Practice

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article
Professional Learning

The July Mailbag: Preparing for AI, Second Year Success, and Teaching Fine Motor Skills (Ep. 422)

Art of Education Magazine & Media Podcast
misc art materials
Professional Learning

Build a Creative Practice That Sticks By Harnessing the 4 Laws of Atomic Habits

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article

The June Mailbag: Curriculum, Photography, and Next Year’s Changes (Ep. 418)

Art of Education Magazine & Media Podcast
mona lisa

Daring Art Crimes for the Art Teacher That You Won’t Be Able to Put Down!

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article
Professional Learning

Poetry, YouTube, and the Zero Budget Art Room (Ep. 416)

Art of Education Magazine & Media Podcast
to do list
Professional Learning

3 Things to Appreciate in Each Phase of an Art Teacher’s Career

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article

The May Mailbag: Best Watercolors, ELL Supports, and End of Year Cleanup (Ep. 414)

Art of Education Magazine & Media Podcast
gardner museum

2 Incredible Ways to Revive Your Passion for Art Education This Spring

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article

Get the Scoop: AOEU Insider Tips For Your Next Art Education Conference

Art of Education Magazine & Media Article
aoeu faces

DITL at an Art Education Conference

Art of Education Magazine & Media Video