Professional Learning

Announcing Drew Daywalt as a Featured Presenter for the Art Ed Now 2017 Winter Online Conference!


Today we’re thrilled to announce Drew Daywalt as a featured presenter for the Art Ed Now 2017 Winter Online Conference! You may know Drew as the best-selling author of The Day the Crayons Quit, but did you know he’s also a creative filmmaker and artist? We know you’re going to love hearing from him.

In fact, he has a message just for you!

During the conference, Drew will share more about where he finds inspiration and his working process. He’ll also talk about his connections with art teachers everywhere and his simple, but effective, motto, “Work Hard and Be Nice.” You might be surprised by some of the things he tells you!

Register Now!

If you can’t wait until February 18th, you’re in luck! Be on the lookout for an upcoming episode of Art Ed Radio where Tim talks to Drew not only about his work as an author but about his career as a writer and filmmaker, too. It is a hilarious and entertaining episode that you won’t want to miss! Here’s a sneak peek:

Drew on His Transition From Film to Children’s Books
“I actually had a creative writing major with concentrations in both screenwriting and children’s literature . . . I really wanted to work in Hollywood, and I went there. I had some success there. I had told my professor ‘I don’t want to be Dr. Seuss!’ But I was sitting at my desk one night, and there was a box of crayons on my desk, and I decided I was going to tell a story about crayons.”Drew_Daywalt_BookCover

On His Decision to Write a Sequel (The Day The Crayons Came Home)
“My publisher called and wanted a sequel, and I had never thought of a sequel! I never expected [The Day The Crayons Quit] to get that far, much less needing a sequel. Oliver (Crayons illustrator) and I were terrified . . . when you do a sequel, you just hope it is Empire Strikes Back and not Ghostbusters II.”

On His Future Writing and Upcoming Projects
“No matter what I do, I always want kids to walk away with something positive in their hearts. Next up in April is a book called Rock, Paper, Scissors. It’s an epic tale of how Rock, Paper, Scissors met, and who they were before they knew each other.”

Drew’s sense of humor and positivity are contagious, and his intelligence and passion are inspiring. There will be so much to enjoy and learn about as he dives deep into his own story and his work on February 18th. Don’t miss your chance to hear Drew and 20+ other amazing and inspiring presenters speak about the most important topics in art education today. See you there!

What are you looking forward to hearing more about from Drew Daywalt?

Do you read “The Day The Crayons Quit” with your own classes?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Timothy Bogatz

Tim Bogatz is AOEU’s Content & PD Event Manager and a former AOEU Writer and high school art educator. He focuses on creativity development, problem-solving, and higher-order thinking skills in the art room.

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