
4 FLEX Resources to Streamline Your Curriculum and Assessment Plans (FLEX Release)

Get ready to conquer back-to-school like never before! Prepare for an efficient school year with the latest FLEX releases, designed to streamline your curriculum and assessment planning while providing valuable support for your students.

As a FLEX member, you get exclusive and instant access to new materials every month, plus 24/7/365 access to the entire FLEX Curriculum. Are you new to FLEX? Learn more about how you can purchase FLEX for your classroom or district today.

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Here are two FLEX tools to get you and your students started.

1. Benchmark Assessments

FLEX Benchmark Assessments help track students’ progress and can inform your teaching throughout the year. Take a snapshot of your students’ knowledge at the beginning, middle, and end of the course to measure growth and meet student needs. It’s also a great way to show your artists how much they’ve learned! Find this resource in FLEX Curriculum if you’re a user.

2. Scope and Sequences

FLEX Curriculum has done all the legwork for you so you can make the most of your time while back-to-school curriculum mapping! FLEX features Scope and Sequences for each grade from K-12. Each is further organized into units based on the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS) and linked to related platform content. Refer to the Scope and Sequences to sequentially organize and curate FLEX content throughout an academic year. Follow the units as prescribed, select what you need, or modify as desired! Find these Scope and Sequences, including the new HS Advanced and Accomplished section, in the Implementation tab.

Check out the new advanced FLEX Collection called Artists: Choices and Impact.

If you’re looking for fresh ways to take students on a deep dive into the world of artists, their influences, and how to connect their learning to their own body of work, look no further! Explore the new FLEX Advanced Collection, Artists: Choices and Impact. There are lessons that revise previous artwork, facilitate the research of artists who have impacted society, and experiment with preserving and protecting artwork. Find these six lessons in FLEX Curriculum if you’re a user.

Here are two more resources to tap into!

1. FLEX Videos

Sometimes concepts click for students when they hear a topic explained in a different way with visuals. Enhance your instruction and incorporate the complete library of FLEX videos. Videos include the Elements and Principles of Art, art movements, and featured artists. The new What is Repetition? video with corresponding guided questions is the perfect way to introduce or review foundational terms.

2. PRO Learning

No matter your level of experience, grade level, or medium of focus, PRO Learning has professional development opportunities for you. There is a wide array of Packs, based on specific topics, that will meet you where you’re at. See for yourself! 

Here are four popular Packs for back-to-school:

  1. Designing Effective Assessment Practices
  2. Implementing the National Art Standards
  3. Planning a Sequential Elementary Curriculum
  4. Advanced 2D Portfolio-Driven Courses

If you do not currently receive PRO Learning but would like to learn more, fill out this quick contact form.

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Back-to-school can be a stressful time with meetings, new students, setting up your studio, and more! Tackle the beginning of the year with FLEX Curriculum’s newest resources. Download and customize them so you will have more bandwidth to focus on building rapport, facilitating fun design challenges, and advocating for your art program. Stay inspired with relevant professional development through PRO Learning Packs so you can transfer that enthusiasm and knowledge to your students. Have a fabulous school year!

National Core Arts Standards (2015) National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. Rights Administered by the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education. Dover, DE, all rights reserved.

Portions of this work are based on the National Core Arts Standards. Used with permission. National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (2015) National Core Arts Standards. Rights Administered by the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education. Dover, DE, all rights reserved. 

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


Natalie Fenton

Natalie Fenton is a former high school art educator and AOEU’s Growth Marketing Manager.

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